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Monday 1 June 2015

KATE at London Fashion Week

mr STYLES ULTRA: (spouts breathlessly) Oh my! I LOVE that ‪London Fashion Week #‎fedora‬...It is seriously DIVINE; the perfect hat. Count me as its new fan. I'd follow it, all day, anywhere...Imagine me rocking that ‪#‎wearable‬ work of art, as I stroll breezily along the sidewalk. Enjoy the catwalk, but when it's over walk this way again, PLEASE! I'd love to see it again. Until then, I wont be able to concentrate on anything else...

Helene Wurst:..That's over the top! Strike a pose, please, Kate.
London Fashion Week Fashionista rocks alubricious FEDORA
Fashion Week fashionista models model fedora by Primark
THE FashionWeek fashionista walking the sidewalk at ‪#‎LondonFashionWeek‬; ‪#‎LFW‬ is KATE, a Fashion Designer at the moment. She is also the STYLE behind the fashion blog called Beyond Fashion. Not only is she fascinated with the pastels, she knows how to rock the aesthetic, CLEARLY. Steal it, by teaming a model fedora by Primark with shoes from ‪#‎Primark‬ also and Missguided coat, River Island scarf and Topshop handbag. Mr STYLES ULTRA, 'THE' cheerleader for both #Fedora and London Fashion Week, a student of Style and Aesthetics at the School of Frock, is self-styled in a model fedora by ‪#‎AllSaints‬, partnered with ‪#‎UNQLO‬ dress shirt, ‪#‎CommeDesGarcons‬ sweater, #Primark striped tie and New Look scarf www.facebook.com/TheSidewalkDarlings
Missguided coat

mr STYLES ULTRA: (swoons breathlessly) Your splendid, dream ensemble is my style crush. I took a mere glance, now it warrants my full attention. It FULLY aroused my interest. Wow! It shines like full moon. Great choice of wearable art elements. They are all stunning. Your style is SUPER hot! The aesthetic is overwhelming, bold and INSANELY inspiring. Just WOW! What a beauty!...

KATE: Today, this(coat) is from Missguided...

mr STYLES ULTRA:....Oh my gosh! That outerwear is so breathtaking. Definitely my favourite coat. My goodness! That's the best. It inspires me to wrote poems, but I wont; words are simply powerless to capture its magnificence; it's appeal...That's soemthing to cherish, something to preserve...

KATE:...Scarf is from River Island, and my shoes and hat are from Primark...

mr STYLES ULTRA:...(spout breathlessly) Oh my! I LOVE that...It is seriously AMAZING; the perfect hat. Count me as its new fan. I'd follow it, all day, anywhere...Imagine me rocking that work of art as I stroll breezily along the beech. Walk this way when you exit; I'd love to see it again. Until then, I wont be able to concentrate on anything else. Yes! And how about THAT bag?

KATE:...The bag is from Topshop...

mr STYLES ULTRA:...Excellent! My Gosh! That bag! That is simply creative and gorgeous, of course. It will always be my dream. I hope there are incarnations of it in menswear. Every element in this outfit looks AMAZING!
River Island scarf 

KATE:...Thank you
mr STYLES ULTRA: You're welcome. What was your inspiration for this aesthetic today?
KATE:...Erm. Well, I LOVE pastels, (she rocks pastel coat, trousers and shoes) so I was immediately drawn to this(touches coat) straight away...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...Yes. That's one of the reason why I was immediately drawn to your outfit...
KATE:......I LOVE the kind of sporty vibe it has going on as well.
mr STYLES ULTRA: Yes. Quite endearing. HOw would you define your personal style, normally?
KATE:...Erm. I think...QUITE girly but I try to bring a little edginess to it with black. It's QUITE a mix.
mr STYLES ULTRA:...Your STRIKING outfit boast a black bag, black hat, black crop top, scarf is pastel and black - super edgy, indeed. To what extent did you plan what to wear?
KATE:...I plan my outfits quite a lot. I'm like one of those people. I'll go shopping; I'll get everything(element of clothing/accessories) together. I'll put outfits together FIRST. I'll get them all out and see what looks good before...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...(murmurs acknowledgement, familiarity and identification)...
KATE:......Yeah. So I REALLY enjoy doing that...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...Yes. It shows (they speak over each other, animatedly) It shows, because you have it like - PERFECTION!
KATE:...Thank you...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...This aesthetic!...What do you like about LOndon Fashion Week?
KATE:...I love EVERYTHING! I LOVE seeing all the people around. I think it's VERY inspirational. Yeah! I just ENJOY the vibe; walking around. It's a REALLY nice atmosphere as well.
mr STYLES ULTRA: Brilliant! And what are you wearing, sorry, I mean LOOKING forward to the most on this, the final day of London Fashion Week?
KATE:...Erm. Everything really. I don't have one particular thing I'm more excited about. Just see what the day brings really.
mr STYLES ULTRA:...Cool. I just want to thank you so much for your time
KATE:...Thank you
mr STYLES ULTRA: Our London Fashion Week series is called Sidewalk Darlings, do we have your permission to publish this video on youtube?
KATE:...Yes. Sure, yeah!
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Contributing Fashion Editor of Sidewalk Darlings - Zokaya Kamara
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Portraits by Miss Helene Wurst
Topshop handbag

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