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Wednesday 3 June 2015

Miss Chapman at London Fashion Week

mr STYLES ULTRA: (EXTOL breathlessly) You pull it off with perfect aplomb. That ‪#‎fedora‬ makes me smile better. It's beyond stylish. How obstreperous! So modern, young and ,er, élégante. That's easily the best hat at ‪#‎LondonFashionWeek‬; it's very vogue. These are precisely my thoughts. Hats off!
mr Styles Ultra is the honorary cheerleader for London Fashion Week and FEDORA
Ralph Lauren PR Intern models Primark fedora
WALKING the sidewalk at ‪#‎LFW‬ is Miss Chapman. At the moment, she's on her gap year, so finds time to works as a PR intern for a beauty company. ‪#‎RalphLauren‬. Steal her bold and SUPER chic style by teaming a runway fedora from ‪#‎Primark‬ with these other heroic, wearable, art elements; denim trousers, jacket and gilet by ‪#‎Zara‬ and Topshop shoes.Mr STYLES ULTRA, 'THE' cheerleader for #Fedora, London Fashion Week and fashion itself, a student of Style and Aesthetics at the School of Frock, is self-styled in a model fedora by ‪#‎AllSaints‬, partnered with ‪#‎UNQLO‬ dress shirt, ‪#‎CommeDesGarcons‬ sweater,‪#‎FrenchConnection‬ striped tie and Gap scarf....
mr STYLES ULTRA: That's what I call 'best dressed.' Your London Fashion Week outfit looks original and AMAZING. No wonder I love it, eternally. Just look at the aesthetic! So super chic; the MOST stunning and classy. Superb selection and coordination of elements, each is awesome in its own right. I'm a HUGE fan of that style; CLEARLY. Clearly, a nod to the Audrey Hepburn aesthetic.
Miss Chapman: Thank you so much!
mr STYLES ULTRA: You're welcome. What was your inspiration for this aesthetic?
Miss Chapman: I just LOVE beige and camel. I love that kind of equestrian look. That's why I'm wearing this fur gilet. I just to love to wear colours in classy outfits. I LOVE blazers, mixing with furs, teamed with trousers for a bit of fun, a bit of a kick for Fashion Week
mr STYLES ULTRA: You're VERY creative; it comes out VERY nicely. I just LOVE those colours also, but not ONLY those colours; I also LOVE...That equestrian aesthetic. So sassy. What brands are you wearing?
Miss Chapman: I'm wearing Zara; quite a lot of Zara actually...
mr STYLES ULTRA: Just touch the elements that are...Say the elements that are by...
Miss Chapman: These (touches jeans) are Zara. This gilet is Zara...So is my jacket. My boots are from Topshop
mr STYLES ULTRA: Nice. I LOVE that gilet the most. I could not agree any more. It's TOO hot. The greatest gilet, EVER. The aesthetic is SUPER divine and classic. I'd definitely rock one, all day. How super cute! How super cool! And that EXCELENT bag there?
My excellent bag; that's also Zara, but I pimped it out with a fashionable pom pom
mr STYLES ULTRA: You're a talented woman. You talented fashionista! Wow! That bag is so AMAZING. That colour is INSANE; a favourite and the silhouette is immensely,er, delicate. Who needs a sandwich when that accessory has been discovered and delectable enough to be devoured in an hour. It looks so prime, I'd vote for it, all day. That's MINE!...
Miss Chapman: Thank you...I added a key ring to it to make it look SASSY...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...You should go and work for them; the designers.
Miss Chapman: Thank you. That's REALLY nice
mr STYLES ULTRA: And THAT hat? Where is it from?
Miss Chapman: It's actually a Primark hat. I normally wear a feather band around it, but I misplaced it, actually. So I'm wearing classic fedora...
mr STYLES ULTRA: Never mind. You pull it off with perfect aplomb. That fedora makes me smile better. It's beyond stylish. So modern, young and ,er, élégante.. .That's easily the best hat on the ‪#‎FashionWeek‬ sidewalk; very vogue. These are precisely my thoughts. Hats off!
trousers, jacket and gilet by Zara‬

Miss Chapman: Thank you so much.
mr STYLES ULTRA: If you have to choose two favourite elements from your outfit, what would they be?
Miss Chapman: I'd say my handbag...
Miss Chapman: Because it manages to look bit more expensive than it really is...
mr STYLES ULTRA: Yes. That's true. Precisely my thoughts.
Miss Chapman:...And my gilet. Just because I LOVE a little bit of fur. Obviously it's faux. And I just LOVE the look of a fur gilet with jacket.
mr STYLES ULTRA: How do you define your personal style, normally?
Miss Chapman: I try to keep it elegant and classy.
mr STYLES ULTRA: Your a CLASSY woman, I'm telling you
[Miss Chapman laughs, mr STYLES ULTRA joins laughter]
Miss Chapman: Thank you so much.
mr STYLES ULTRA: What do you like about London Fashion Week?
Miss Chapman: I think it's exciting to have innovative fashion in London. Despite the fact that it's (Fashion Week) all over the world, London, really, is the home of fashion. In this ELEGANT space at Somerset House. It's a BEAUTIFUL place to be.
mr STYLES ULTRA: Finally, do you have a fashion ambition?
Miss Chapman: Fashion ambition. Well, I'm about to study journalism. SO my fashion ambition is to be editor of a SASSY magazine one day.
mr STYLES ULTRA: I tell you what, yeah, You are SUPER articulate, clear, and I think success is ahead of you.
Miss Chapman: Thank you
mr STYLES ULTRA: So keep on doing what you doing...
Miss Chapman: That's REALLY nice...
mr STYLES ULTRA:...The sky is the limit
Thank you so much. The sky is the limit
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Portraits by Miss Selänne
Topshop shoes

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