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Saturday 29 August 2015

GRANDPA STYLE at London Collections Men

mr Styles UltrA AAA: (rhapsodises, breathlessly) Another ‪#‎FashionWeek‬, another FIERCE fedora. But it's taken; I'm so jealous of you, you lucky fashionista. That STRIKING fedora makes my day. Wow! It's ROCKING! Just wonderful and ,er, aesthetically dynamic and outstanding. It deserves a standing ovation. If only I could rock that magic, with my outfit. I want a SMOULDERING hat like that. Precious jewels can never measure up to its classic appeal; not even sunrise. That's a hat to look up to. What a breathtaking heartbreaker
Miss Tebow: (explains to Ashley) OMG! He goes nuts over a fedora, ALWAYS! He cares about the hat's details; together they constitute the perfect nirvana.
THE Fashion Week fashionista walking the sidewalk at London Collections Men; ‪#‎LCM‬ is Ashley Owens, an Editor for Suited Magazine, Creative Director and Editor in Chief of GRANDPA STYLE. Excellence! Steal her suited and booted aesthetic by styling a statement felt fedora(an EMILIO PUCCIHE lookalike) with Alexander Nash suit and vintage shoes (resembles NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD footwear). Fedora cheerleader and student of Style, Aesthetic and Fedora Promotion, at the school of Frock, mr Styles UltrA AAA, rocks his signature, SPREZZATURA aesthetic; a Calvin Klein model fedora, teamed with MARITHE FRANCOIS GIRBAUD shirt, FRENCH CONNECTION tailored trousers, blazer from ‪#‎Alibaba‬, Hardy Amies jumper, ASOS tie and Ben Sherman brogues.
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Ashley, your outfit is looking SUPER amazing today. It's hard for Fashion Editors to believe that a Fashion Week outfit can look so AMAZING. Each element is the definition of wonderful. Every self-respecting Fashion Week fashionista would like to recreate that aesthetic. That hat; undoubtedly, the ensemble's best feature, completes the magic. It's perfection incarnate. When it gets cold, I'd cover it with my head. Please understand if I photo-bomb its photoshoot.
ASHLEY: Thank you
mr Styles UltrA AAA: You're welcome. I care, IMMENSELY, about sartorial aesthetic...
...I can tell by what you are wearing yourself...
Thanks...What was your inspiration for that uber cool aesthetic?
ASHLEY: Just menswear.
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Superb

mr Styles UltrA AAA: What do you like about London Collections: Men?
ASHLEY: It's cool; really funky. Lots of cool people who don't really care...( they wear what they like)
mr Styles UltrA AAA:...Thank you...
ASHLEY:...And that's good.
mr Styles UltrA AAA: What fashion brands are you wearing today? First and foremost, that STRIKING hat.
ASHLEY: It's no brand..It's just an unfinished beaver felt. And then, Alexander Nash is the suit.
mr Styles UltrA AAA:...I LOVE that suit. Just look at the STUNNING silhouette. That is, simply, the closest suit to perfection, in every single shape and form. It looks immensely, erm, wealthy; like a class act. Beauty at its finest.
ASHLEY: Thank you...

mr Styles UltrA AAA:(rhapsodises, breathlessly) Another Fashion Week, another FIERCE fedora. But it's taken; I'm so jealous of you, you lucky fashionista. That STRIKING fedora makes my day. Wow! It's ROCKING! Just wonderful and ,er, aesthetically dynamic and outstanding. It deserves a standing ovation. If only I could rock that magic, with my outfit. I want a SMOULDERING hat like that. Precious jewels can never measure up to its classic appeal; not even sunrise. That's a hat to look up to. What a breathtaking heartbreaker.....HOw about those shoes?

ASHLEY: Vintage
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Those shoes! Such a charming beauty. It takes my breath away. No wonder I feel SUPER hungry. I'll dream about that hot accessory, all day. I'm in love...What's its number. I bet my boots it's Number ONE. How many hats do you have in your wardrobe, incidentally?
ASHLEY: (smiles) Alot!
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Why on earth do you have so many hats for ONE person?
ASHLEY: I don't know. I LIKE them.
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Okay. I'm a hat person also
(ASHLEY nods)
mr Styles UltrA AAA: I think your style looks quite AMAZING
ASHLEY: Thank you so much...have a good day
mr Styles UltrA AAA: Thank you for your time today.
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Contributing Fashion Editor of Sidewalk Darlings - Zokaya Kamara
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Portraits by Miss Tebow

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