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Thursday 8 March 2012

Ronaldo loves Marni and H&M

Sooner or later, Ronaldo will spot another style on the sidewalk which is worth emulating. In the meantime, he decided to check out the début of the exclusive Marni collection at H&M. He joined hundreds of other fatuous fashion bunnies at 3am in the frezeing cold outside the store.  He knew nothing about Marni but heard its ranges are adorable.

                                         Ronaldo and Jamie, aka Pink Slime


Ronaldo: (rang Pink Slime's  door bell, spoke to him through intercom)

Are you ready

Pink Slime: (sleepily)

Oh shit! My alarm did not go off. Sorry, I'll meet you there


Okay. Hurry up. There must be tons of people in the queue already.

The incessant downpour makes the sidewalk slippery as an eel. Pedestrians and style starlets queued and strutted carefully. Wet and cold but not short on light entertainment; girls wearing UGG boots, slipping and falling over on the sidewalk.


Sorry, H M has no first aids for your bruised knees


Pink Slime:

Neither will it replace your torn leggings



Get a grip you two!


I was expecting to see hundreds of people in the queue at this time of the morning. Not a mere 45. God! I could sleep a bit longer in my warm bed. Ugh!

Incredible! What's the point?


The point is you're more likely to get the pieces you want


And you are?



You lot are insane for queueing up here all night in the cold. Your warm beds are getting cold. GO HOME!

If you say wer're crazy, then youre just jealous

why would i be jealous

we can afford Marni and you cant.

Oh please! The H M Marni collection is for people on a budget

Well, I'll be spending over 500 pounds, for your information.


Pink Slime: (shouts from where he belonged - the back of the queue)

Hey! Ronaldo, I wanna get one of those necklaces for my girl friend but they might finish by the time I get inside...


 Serve you right. You should have gotten out of your bed when I was passing your house

Pink Slime:

 Please help me



Sorry Pink Slime , these people will not allow you to jump the queue

Pink Slime:

Just pick up the white flower necklace for me then.


 I'll try

Pink Slime:

I would like a pair of the leather sandals. They're drop dead stunning. And one of the blue dresses, one red belt, grey bracelet, PJ shorts...

LOTS OF PUSHING, SHOVING, ELBOWING AND FRANTIC GRABBING WHEN THE DOOR OPENED AT 9AM. Jackets, shoes, bangles, dresses, swimsuits, everything flew off the racks in minutes.


 I'm sorry for those who forgot their elbow pads

Pink Slime:

Idiots! Will you share yours...with me?

Ronaldo had an appointment with the dentist at 9am. It's the second consecutive time, he would be doing a no-show.

The queue inside H M was endless also. Most of the females had one of the print dresses among their shopping, whereas most of the guys had either the navy jacket or a sweater.

Originally, Ronaldo thought the collection would cater for women only but he was pleasantly surprised to see a few wearable pieces for guys. Among them was a stylish shirt. He swooned over it all night through the window. It was available, too bad, not in his size. S and M only. The navy jacket was completely sold out. UGH!

WINSOME: (grabs last pair of leggings from rack)

Come to mama! All I need is some plexi earrings now.

Sophie: I got all the pieces that I wanted despite coming late, despite the rediculoulsy large number of people who turned up

Well done! I missed out on a few pieces, but I'm happy with what I got. I'll use the rest of the money I planned to spend on other Marni's products; pizza and wine.(giggles) I particularly like the sweater's classic look, plus it's affordable.

I prefer Marni to money

Well, Ronaldo left H M empty-handed. Nevertheless, he was overjoyed. The experience was somethinh to write home about.  A lot of the people in the queue did not know much about Marni. However, its H M launch was just as frenzied and hyped as the Versace/H M collaboration.

photographs and video by Dani

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