-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/>scale=1.0,minimum Sidewalk Darlings: at London Collections: Men

Thursday 22 January 2015

at London Collections: Men

Miss Bony{#FashionEditor, #Journalist} Mr Dandy, your London Collections: Men; #LCM #attire is looking rather handsome.

DANDY: Thank you. Your #Agnona #skirt # is even more elegant, #chic; not cheap; CLEARLY; #streetstyles elements to die for...
Photo: Miss Bony{#FashionEditor, #Journalist} Mr Dandy, your #LCM #attire is looking rather handsome.
DANDY: Thank you. Your #Agnona #skirt # is even more elegant, #chic; not cheap; CLEARLY; #streetstyles elements to die for...

BONY: ...Thank you..What are you wearing? #BOSSOrange #fedora, #RacingGreen #suit, #Pikolinos above the ankle #boots, #FCUK #necktie, #Gfferre #jumper and #Gant cotton #shirt.
BONY: Thank you. Nice to see you with some #clothes on this time.
RIVERA: What is she ON about, Dandy
DANDY: She covered my last photoshoot, where I rocked only Fedora and an above the anke boots.
BONY: What are you wearing today? I mean, what will you be wearing TOMORROW?
DANDY: Are you in the queue for a Schedule?

Mauriziano: No. A Press Pass.

DANDY: Oh, I see...I just wanna know if it's possible to get the catwalk's schedule without joining the queue
Sankranti: Not possible, I'm afraid.
DANDY: I should have come early
Sankranti: What?
DANDY: I said 'I should have come early.'
SAMAD: What styles do you look for among fashionistas for Sidewalk Darlings' photo shoots and mini interviews?

DANDY: dapper, tailoring, chic, edgy, minimalist, maximalist, creative, oh, and sprezzatura. Do you know that word?


DANDY: It's Italian for effortless

Mr Cyrus: Strike a pose for the photographs, please...

DANDY: Okay..I'm ready

Mr Cyrus: Don't look at me...Look down the sidewalk

DANDY: Oh no! My schedules fell over there

SAMAD: Never mind, later go back in the British Fashion Council's office and ask for another one
Falconi: I'm sure you are a stylist and your work is wonderful, Mr Deschanel. However, before I can register you for the exhibitions, you must show me evidence of your COMMERCIAL stylings.

Mr Deschanel: I did not know that.

FALCONI: People who register online are asked to upload their websites or other evidence of their commercial works for magazines, etc.

Deschanel: I have won awards for my stylings. I appeared in the Metro and Evening Standards. This is my livelihood...I'll be on TV this week.

FALCONI: I accept EVERYTHING you say, but I must stick to the criteria for registration

HEGER: I'm sorry, but I can't give you another Schedule.

[She clearly remembers him because of the orange hat]

DANDY: This one is for my Fashion Relation, Bordro

HEGER: We are running out of schedules. I bet you are not even registered to see the Presentations. Are you

DANDY: No. Okay. I'll register now.

HEGER: You can only register prior to the start of London Collections: Men..What do you do?

DANDY: I am an above the ankle boots and Fedora model, Fashion Curator and mannequin #tylist at the Gallery of #SidewalkDarlings..
Sidewalk Darlings - 
Cameo Fashion Editor - Zokaya Kamara 

SUBSCRIBE to our youtube chanel - Sidewalk Darlings 
Portraits by Engelke Rivera 
  PLEASE Follow Sidewalk Darlings http://sidewalknarratives.blogspot.com/ ]

 Sidewalk Darlings - www.twitter.com/zokayakamara

BONY: ...Thank y...ou..What are you wearing? #BOSS Orange #fedora, #RacingGreen #suit, #Pikolinos above the ankle #boots, #FCUK #necktie, #Gfferre #jumper and #Gant cotton #shirt.

BONY: Thank you. Nice to see you with some #clothes on this time.

RIVERA: What is she ON about, Dandy

DANDY: She covered my last photoshoot, where I rocked only Fedora and an above the anke boots.

BONY: What are you wearing today? I mean, what will you be wearing TOMORROW?
DANDY: Are you in the queue for a Schedule?

Mauriziano: No. A Press Pass.

DANDY: Oh, I see...I just wanna know if it's possible to get the catwalk's schedule without joining the queue

Sankranti: Not possible, I'm afraid.

DANDY: I should have come early

Sankranti: What?
DANDY: I said 'I should have come early.'
SAMAD: What styles do you look for among fashionistas for Sidewalk Darlings' photo shoots and mini interviews?

DANDY: dapper, tailoring, chic, edgy, minimalist, maximalist, creative, oh, and sprezzatura. Do you know that word?


DANDY: It's Italian for effortless

Mr Cyrus: Strike a pose for the photographs, please...

DANDY: Okay..I'm ready

Mr Cyrus: Don't look at me...Look down the sidewalk

DANDY: Oh no! My schedules fell over there

SAMAD: Never mind, later go back in the British Fashion Council's office and ask for another one
Falconi: I'm sure you are a stylist and your work is wonderful, Mr Deschanel. However, before I can register you for the exhibitions, you must show me evidence of your COMMERCIAL stylings.

Mr Deschanel: I did not know that.

FALCONI: People who register online are asked to upload their websites or other evidence of their commercial works for magazines, etc.

Deschanel: I have won awards for my stylings. I appeared in the Metro and Evening Standards. This is my livelihood...I'll be on TV this week.

FALCONI: I accept EVERYTHING you say, but I must stick to the criteria for registration

HEGER: I'm sorry, but I can't give you another Schedule.

[She clearly remembers him because of the orange hat]

DANDY: This one is for my Fashion Relation, Bordro

HEGER: We are running out of schedules. I bet you are not even registered to see the Presentations. Are you

DANDY: No. Okay. I'll register now.

HEGER: You can only register prior to the start of London Collections: Men..What do you do?

DANDY: I am an above the ankle boots and Fedora model, Fashion Curator and mannequin #tylist at the Gallery of #SidewalkDarlings..
Sidewalk Darlings -
Cameo Fashion Editor - Zokaya Kamara

SUBSCRIBE to our youtube chanel - Sidewalk Darlings
Portraits by Solo
PLEASE Follow Sidewalk Darlings http://sidewalknarratives.blogspot.com/ ]

Sidewalk Darlings - www.twitter.com/zokayakamara

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