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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Poppy at London Fashion Week (SS17)

er Styles Rocker: (coos, riotously) Boohoo! As the purveyor of the fedora aesthetics, I must admit, that London Fashion Week fedora hat is in itself; a bout of beauty! It’s achingly clearing, beautiful, and cool. What a engrossing beau!  Arrested too, the hierarchy, at the drop of a hat,  would award that element 10 out of ten. Oh my gosh! Unquestionably, it has ten written all over it. you can bet your boots on that. ..LFW SS17 https://www.facebook.com/SidewalkDarlings

Miss Chevelle: (explains to Poppy) sorry, he's in love with ALL fedoras

The fashion week plate walking the sidewalk at London Fashion Week is Poppy; a Fashion Photography student at Falmouth University in Cornwall. Reinforce the feeling by, erm, stealing. Stealing is believing. Therefore, go ahead and embrace her sartorial taste, simply model your style on hers. You may do so by coupling a runway fedora from Boohoo (Boutique Ella), Boutique Harriet biker jacket, Gypsy Warrior playsuit and Vagabond boots. http://allthatrageseries.blogspot.co.uk/


er Styles Rocker: (gushes, rapturously) I just wanna say that the aesthetic of this London Fashion Week outfit, looks super suave and indelibly immersive. I salute you for singlehandedly fashioning these sartorial elements into an INSPIRING ensemble from the heavens. It boasts the most clarity, finesse and grace.  Needless to say, I’m frighteningly impressed with your creative taste. (breathless sigh) Like Mount Everest, that ASPIRATIONAL fedora, however, is naturally high…How dreamy! Wow!..

Miss Chevelle: ASPIRATIONAL fedora? That’s over the top, Styles Rocker. Poppy, strike a pose, please.  www.twitter.com/ZokayaKamara

er Styles Rocker: (gushes, rapturously) …Needless to say, I’m frighteningly impressed with your creative taste. (breathless sigh) Like Mount Everest, that ASPIRATIONAL fedora, however, is naturally high.

POPPY: (laughs) Thank you

er Styles Rocker: Understandably, I am highly keen to discover the inspiration behind this divine aesthetic you are unveiling at London Fashion Week

POPPY: (checks out outfit from head to toe touches fedora, tenderly)
Erm. Comfortable! I haven’t got much inspiration. I just want to be comfy.

er Styles Rocker: Well, the aesthetic looks combatable, sorry, I meant COMFORTABLE, yet simultaneously stylish. On second thoughts, that fedora is super combatable. I absolutely LOVE it. How do you define your personal style?

POPPY: Erm. I don’t know

er Styles Rocker: What? How do you like to dress, normally?

POPPY: I like boho!

er Styles Rocker: Bohemian?

POPPY: Bohemian

er Styles Rocker: I’m a quantum fan of the bohemian aesthetic myself. So feminine, so chic, so elegance.  Besides, it’s super ubiquitous  among the WHOLEsome fashion week COLLECTIVE.

POPPY: Yeah!

er Styles Rocker: And also, er, I’m highly excited to discover the designers of the super elements that make up this outfit. Fedora first, please.

POPPY: (touches fedora, lovingly, smilingly) That is from Boohoo

er Styles Rocker: (coos, riotously) Boohoo! As the purveyor of the fedora aesthetics, I must admit, that FLAMING fedora is in itself; a bout of beauty! It’s achingly beautiful, and cool. What a engrossing beau!  Arrested too, the hierarchy, at the drop of a hat,  would award that element 10 out of ten. Oh my gosh! Unquestionably, it has ten written all over it. you can bet your boots on that. That jacket!

POPPY: This is from a charity shop.

er Styles Rocker: What? (feign disbelief) What a outerwear! The definition of heaven; a goddess. No wonder my pulse are tossing, from side to side. I LOVE it; the silhouette, every aspect is super stupendous. What’s the fashion brand?I’m not sure

er Styles Rocker: It’s fine. So never mind…By the way, is that a playsuit you are rocking? It’s fine.

POPPY: Yes. Playsuit from Gypsy Warrior (opens jacket to show off the exquisite design)

Styles Rocker: Such opulence! There is no equivalent, to its immersive and loud manifestation. It’s true. The hue is simply divine. It leaves me infinitely breathless.

POPPY: (smiles, erupts into laughter)

And what do you ADORE about London Fashion Week?

Erm. I LOVE that it’s really busy. Down in Falmouth, Cornwall, it’s very quiet.

er Styles Rocker: Oh wow! Well, welcome to the greatest sartorial catwalk on the planet – London Fashion Week. Cross my heart, your outfit looks the part; completely, persuasively. Needless to say, I’m massively impressed with the super magical Falmouth aesthetic

POPPY: (laughs)

er Styles Rocker: There is, CLEARLY, an element of inspiration from Cornwall in this creation.


er Styles Rocker: Who wouldn’t be proud to admit it!

POPPY: (chuckles, chortles)

er Styles Rocker: We have seen these succulent elements that you are REALLY rocking today, they make me ken to discover the other desirable elements that makeup up your capsule collection

POPPY: (stares blankly [understandably])

er Styles Rocker: What other clothes are in your wardrobe?

POPPY: Erm. I like play suits

er Styles Rocker: Clearly! And Playsuits like you. No other self-respecting fashion week stylist rock one as, er, eloquently as you

POPPY: …and dungarees (chortles)

er Styles Rocker:  This playful playsuits suits you, remarkably. Therefore, I understand your apparent fixation with those elements. How many fedoras do you stockpile?

POPPY: Erm. Three hats!

er Styles Rocker: 3 fedora hats! Why do you have so many, oh my gosh!

POPPY: I like hats

er Styles Rocker: What’s the appeal of fedoras to you, personally?

(gushes) They just make an outfit (cackles)

er Styles Rocker: That phrase is a pout; profound, so well put together and well-defined. For more reasons than the greatest mathematician can count, I ADORE fedoras , but not even me could express that sentiment any better. This one suits you, superbly

POPPY: Thank you (smiles)

er Styles Rocker: The aesthetic and every element you are portraying today at London Fashion  Week…Before you walk the sidewalk, may we have your permission to publish this video on our youtube show called Sidewalk Darlings?

POPPY: Erm. Okay. Yeah! (laughs)

Styles Rocker: Once again, your style is so immersive. It characterizes flair, get out of here; it’s edgy. I’m simply weak in the knees for the 21st century aesthetic. I’m ENJOYING it so much I can barely speak. Continue to enjoy your day at London Fashion Week.
Photography by Miss Chevelle
Sidewalk Darlings

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