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Tuesday 23 October 2012

Puffer jacket - an essential piece for autumn

It's freezing on the sidewalk today. Shivering on the bench, Justin and his chums wish they had brought a blanket. Afraid it would make them look too astronomic, they always avoid puffer jackets. Now it seems they are having second thoughts.


Everyone is wearing a puffer jacket. No wonder they look so smug


They are just trying to keep warm. It's funny, we always say puffer jackets are hilarious. Now, they look so CUTE on these pedestrians.


My Gosh, even Kylie has jumped on the bandwagon.  Like, the rest of these LEMMINGS, she has turned her back on proper jackets for this unsightly thing.  UGH!


Kylie's encapsulate her amazing effort,  passion. I admire her style..She looks amazing in that puffer jacket with the fur hood, especially as she gets nearer.


All the pedestrians are looking great in their puffer jackets. I'm inspired.


What the HELL! I was never keen on puffer jackets. I still feel the same way. People who wear them look hilarious.


You are an amazing inspiration, Kylie. You would look even more resplesdent in that puffer jacket on TV.


Thank you. No more ORDINARY winter jackets for me then..They are the warmest jacket, EVER. Soft and it has enough room... It's well made. I got it at ZARA. Justin, check out TRUE RELIGION...The price in Zara is roughly the same as in other stores.


It sounds like this is a must-have outerwear for autumn...


Speak for yourself....and Kate


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