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Saturday 3 March 2018

Abhishek at London Fashion Week Men (ss18)

Nowplaying on, erm, SidewalkDarlings FM(TheRockShow), super soft ly, okay, love ingly loud – Hurricane(30SecondsToMars @30secondstomars)

SHEILA emerges from MichikoKoshino @michikokoshino London Fashion Week Men; #LFWM #SS18, #catwalk showcase. For your information, at London Fashion Week, personal style on the sidewalk is the principal, whereas the catwalk is, generally speaking, the sideshow(AliceCooper @realalicecooper
er Styles Rocker: So Sheila, did the presentation (screams excitedly) really rock?
[walking the sidewalk, a fedora clad Abhishek(front and center in the picture) approaches]
Sheila: Absolute ly! The fashion event both rock and roll. So Amazing! so Engrossing!
er Styles Rocker: Oh My God![ThePrettyReckless @theprettyrecklessofficial] So is Abhishek’s fedora hat. I can’t lie; it’s the staggeringly striking spice in the outfit; in other worlds, a Champion (FallOutBoy @FallOutBoy)) So chic, iconic, masterpiece; in other worlds, it means EVERYTHING; the world to the WHOLEsome fashion week set; a sartorial deity. My favorite element in the desirable styling, the main reason, why we Sidewalk Darlings is curating....

SHEILA: (explains to Abhishek)...Styles Rocker (clears throat) that’s er Styles Rocker, for you, has a thing for, first and foremost, fedoras, then, in a particular order, bikerjacket, bikerboots, erm, longskirt. That’s the reason he rock s, curate and design frock tunes about these ethereal gems; every single Fashion Week season
                                       www.twitter.com/ZokayaKamara new 

er Styles Rocker: The fedora fashionista walking the sidewalk at London Fashion Week Men, is Abhishek Bhatt; @ablondon_abhi ; a Personal Shopper. Rocking a runway fedora by Thomas Farthing; the aesthete is, clear ly, a sidewalk darling. What it is; is this, natural ly green and worth stealing. He loves fedoras so much; he has invested in a whopping, four or five of them. Like me, he deemed rocking fedoras as his calling. So what’s the appeal then?

SHEILA: e show off his green, statement fedora(@rakuten_official, rakuten) Zara @Zara biker jacket,

Abhishek: They give you presence; lots of attention. They are rare now
er Styles Rocker: Fedora rockers are a rare breed, indeed; that’s the main reason we are flying the flag at London Fashion Week, every single season…

Abhishek: …People notice…I’m a Personal Shopper…I dress people for a living
er Styles Rocker: Wow!  No wonder your style is super dapper, needless to say that statement fedora is the show-stopper…Well, in addition to rocking fedoras, I design and, erm, sing frock tunes for the frock band called Sidewalk Darlings, pre-eminently, I am a rock, punk and heavy metal disc jockey for the The Rock Show on, erm, Sidewalk Darlings FM…Now, that’s what I call LIVING. Your fedora really rock…Incidentally, what music are you into?

Abhishek: Soul, Jazz…
er Styles Rocker: No wonder you style has so much Seoul. All that jazz…
Abhishek: … RnB. My favorite instruments are ukulele and the Hawaiian guitar
er Styles Rocker: It's all about those, and of course, the  mind-blowing, Picasso referenced fedoras we are rock ing. Those are the key instruments every single self-respecting fashion week stylist would Go toWar(NothingMore) with. (stage whisper) ThisMeansWar by Nickelback @Nickelback, ACDC @ACDC  or Attack Attack) See you at London Fashion Week in September
Portrait by Sheila of CopenhagenFashionWeek, School of Rock, Blueplanet fame

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