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Monday 11 July 2016

Michael Kalonji at London Collections Men

 er, Styles Rocker: (gushes, rhythmically) Only  a true Fashion Week style rocker like, er, Styles Rocker who loves GARBAGE, Empty, would adore and appreciate that OBSEQUIOUS fedora hat. [Empty by Garbage; the rock sweltering ROCK band] Clearly a terrestrial element, but, WOW, it looks stupendously celestial; so hot; lush as a painter's brush; the #LCM fedora of my dream, fit for an on trend Queen. i LOVE all its attributes; the design, the silhouette the texture. Oh my gosh! This is a heart-felt tribute...  London Collections: Men

Christophe:...Styles UltrA, shut the GULP up. Strike a pose, Michael, please.
The keynote fashionista walking the sidewalk at London Fashion Week is Michael, a Fashion Blogger who does a bit of designing also. Steal his perpetually sonorous style by coupling an obstreperous fedora by Penmayne of London with Blackmeans biker jacket, Burberry coat and Santoni shoes. 
er, Styles Rocker: (enthuses, lyrically) This London Collections: Men  outfit looks superlatively legendary today. I’m sure your dress sense is, er, inordinately interplanetary. Little wonder, therefore, it’s making an indelible impression on the WHOLEsome FashionWeek set. To be honest, I’m highly keen on discovering the inspiration behind this outstanding aesthetic that you are showing off at London Collections Men;

MICHAEL: It’s just, basically, it’s a funny story. I just saw the new Quentin Tarantino movie, couple days ago. So he inspired me to make something for myself. – (show off his attire) This is me! This is my own design 

er, Styles Rocker:: Utter brilliance! I’m speechless. Awesome creations! Can you explain the mouth-watering details on the jacket? 

MICHAEL: This (brandishes an image of the King of Pop) is Michael Jackson, and he’s a legend… 
er, Styles ultrA:…Just like your rampageous fedora… 

MICHAEL: …This (shows image of The Strokes) is my favourite band and these (shows other images) are just some Rock and Roll; sparks – rock and roll vibes, you know 

er, Styles ultrA: (sings)I LOVE rock and Roll (by Joan Jett and The BlackHearts)…Those details are legendary, indeed. I really appreciate every single detail; every effort that you expended into this creation…So what other elements do you have in your wardrobe? In other words, what other clothes? 

MICHAEL: I’m a fan of the whole black… 

er, Styles ultrA:…The midnight aesthetic, that’s what Fashion Week fashion editors call it 

MICHAEL: It’s QUITE mysterious – leather jacket, black coat; Everything! Rock and Roll! 
er, Styles ultrA: That FLAMING fedora is the epitome of rock and roll. How many do you have in your collection?  www.twitter.com/ZokayaKamara

MICHAEL: 20 – 25. I got a lot of fedoras. I LOVE fedoras …They complement the whole outfits. I can’t go out without my fedora, I LOVE it… 

er, Styles ultrA: TWENTY TO TWENTY FIVE!...Oh my gosh! You are a man
after my own heart. Fedoras play a key role in my styling also…So compulsive…so persuasive…so possessive. I absolutely LOVE it. That’s precisely how I feel about fedora hats also, so the see a fashionista, of your calibre, like you rocking one, so effortlessly so superbly, is an honor. Honestly! Undoubtedly, you are motivating other stylists to emulate the trend. 

MICHAEL: Thank you very much 
er, Styles ultrA: Speaking about trends, did you look at the Spring/Summer or even the Autumn/Winter trends for inspiration, when  you plan this stylish outfit? 

MICHAEL: Yes, I do! There’s been so many good  trends, that I have seen but to be honest, mate, I always like to come up with something that haven’t been done before 

er, Styles ultrA: Yes! You sartorial pioneer, style engineer 
MICHAEL: I always try to be different 
er, Styles ultrA: That’s a rare an admirable trait, you sartorial Shakespeare 

MICHAEL:…standout, be unique… 
er, Styles ultrA: You have individuality and creativity shines, you know. There is no limit in creativity. You just create and inspire until you perspire. You lead other fashionistas to rock your style, even tweed. The WHOLEsome fashion week set appreciates and admire the effort; the genius that you invested in this winning outfit – into your style 

MICHAEL: …Because when you see the trends you allow follow the trends. That stops you from

er, Styles ultrA:…Precisely!... 

MICHAEL: …You tend to wear whatever they tell you to wear and that’s not you… 
er, Styles ultrA:Precisely! 

MICHAEL: It’s best to come up with your own style…. 
er, Styles ultrA: mammal, sorry I mean MINIMAL, wild or chic; it doesn’t matter. Your personal style reflects your sartorial appetite – besides, it’s the aesthetic that you enjoy portraying…So London Collections Men, why is it important for the UK? 

MICHAEL: We needed to come up with something for men; where they can express themselves. Ours! I was at London Fashion Week the last time, and it was mostly women the photographers were shooting, but that’s fine, because it’s their thing. London Collections: Men is OUR thing. Of course, women are welcome 

er, Styles ultrA: …(sings lyrics from his frock tune called London Collections Men) What’s a show without women, who, like men, ATTEND, in their sartorial gems, creatives behind the scenes…. Sorry about that… 
MICHAEL: but London Collections Men is US…We can express ourselves 

er, Styles ultrA: …London Fashion Week is the platform for showcasing womenswear designers’ offerings. On the other hand, London Collections: Men, is our platform to, to…for new menswear designers to showcase their new collections, 

MICHAEL: It’s a lovely gesture to give young designers the opportunity to showcase their designs 

er, Styles ultrA: We appreciate the menswear design talents; both men and women…For the benefit of those who are not lucky enough to see my bombastic outfit, how would you describe it? 
MICHAEL: The way you dress, the way you put your outfit together. That’s creativity! You did not copy it from some sort of magazine. That’s you! Everything! It reflects your personality. That’s is why I love it 

er, Styles ultrA: Spot on. The hierarchy has been following the ever evolving style chameleon, so I’m sure and it would definitely endorse your pronouncements…Before you walk the sidewalk, may we have your permission to publish this video on our youtube show called Sidewalk Darlings? 

MICHAEL: Yes! Always! Always! 
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